The Senate today passed legislation that would provide legal recourse to those who are victims of biased or discriminatory police notifications.
“This bill is a response to a problem we’ve seen way too often,” said Sen. Mona Das (D-Kent, 47th LD), the sponsor of SB 5135. “People of color – most often our Black neighbors – in our state and around the nation have had the cops called on them by someone who intends to threaten or intimidate or communicate they don’t belong, not to protect public safety.

“This has happened to folks waiting for friends at a coffee shop, or birdwatching, or knocking doors, or enjoying an outdoor picnic with family – and those are just the incidents caught on camera. It’s extremely hurtful and it wastes the time and resources of law enforcement.
“My bill would empower folks to seek reprieve in small claims court if they experience a malicious or racially-motivated summoning of police.”
SB 5135 would authorize a civil cause of action – allowing an individual to recover economic and noneconomic damages, punitive damages and reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees – if someone summons a law enforcement officer with false intent. This includes the intent to infringe on another person’s constitutional rights, to unlawfully discriminate against someone, to cause someone to feel harassed or humiliated, to expel someone from a place they have every right to be, or to damage someone’s reputation. Plaintiffs may recover damages up to $250 if a defendant is found liable. Courts may also award punitive damages and reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees.
The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 28-21. It now moves on to the House for consideration.

The above is a press release from WA State Senate Democrats. The Auburn Examiner has not independently verified its contents beyond pulling the bill’s roll call and encourages our readers to personally verify any information they find may be overly biased or questionable. The publication of this press release does not indicate an endorsement of its content.
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