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13 Tips to Motivate Yourself at Work


You are at your desk and staring at the laptop screen, trying to give yourself a push to keep working. But you just don’t have it in you.

Have you faced something similar?


Well, everyone has been through it some or the other time. Nearly 30% of the population feels demotivated at work. Staying focused and excited all the time at work can be hard.

Studies have also shown that motivation improves work performance and satisfaction. With motivation, monotonous work will not change, but it will help you to perceive differently. Self-motivated people create a positive work atmosphere, with a focus toward accomplishing their goals.

Some other benefits include:

  • Aids in seeing things differently
  • Turns obstacle into strength
  • Helps you stay positive
  • Improves your mood and energy
  • Allows you to encourage your fellow workers
  • Helps you to perform better without being reluctant and tired
  • Boosts you to achieve more
  • Gives you pleasure while working
  • Provides satisfaction

But people who love their job also have trouble pushing themselves occasionally. Occasional lack of motivation could be due to many reasons, such as being burned out, lack of sleep, or monotonous actions.

So, don’t stress yourself. At those times you just didn’t have anything left, you just need a little pick-me-up.


13 Tips to Keep You Motivated

If you recognize your lack of motivation, it may upset you and derail you from productivity. During those times, you need to pull yourself. Instead of planning to quit, acknowledge the issue and take steps to help regain focus.

Things such as meditation or exercise help give your brain a break. Create short-term goals. It becomes much easier to push yourself once you fulfill small goals. The happiness and satisfaction of fulfilling smaller tasks will motivate you to achieve long-term goals.

Here are some more ways to keep you motivated.



1.    Stretch 

Moving your body and exercising helps your body to create various emotions. Most of us have a sedentary lifestyle due to spending a lot of time at work. Lack of exercise makes you feel lethargic and sleepy.

Even a simple walk outside can do the trick. A study in the Physiology and Behavior has shown that walking upstairs is more stimulating consuming 50 milligrams of caffeine.

walking up stairs, stretchSo, stretch your legs and exercise. It is an excellent way to motivate.

2.    Plan Your Day

When you are demotivated, starting your day may be the hardest thing to do. But once achieved, it will give you focus and momentum. This is especially true when you are struggling mentally. Even the simplest of the things may seem downright impossible.

However, little hacks, just as planning your day, can help you push yourself. Start with structuring your tasks. It may be overwhelming initially, but it is worth the struggle.

If possible, try and follow a routine. For instance, exercise in the morning, respond to emails for 30 minutes, or take a walk. Structure the day in a way you would like to spend it, allocating specific hours for some tasks.

Besides, creating a guide makes it much easier to manage all the tasks. So, for better productivity and motivation, plan your day. You can use a phone or calendar and set alerts that help you move on in case you get stuck.

3.    Create a Realistic To-do List

A realistic and organized to-do list can literally be life-changing.

Once you have planned your day, create a list of things to be done. Now, number the tasks according to urgency, one being the most crucial.

to do list, journal

Plan the tasks and tick them off as you finish them. It will give you a great deal of satisfaction and motivate you to achieve more and better.

At the end of the day, create a to-do list for tomorrow and work towards it.

4.    Break Your Goals into Smaller Goals

Starting directly with a bigger task could be overwhelming and immensely challenging.

If you have a huge task, break it down into bit-sized ones. As you finish them and reach halfway, you will be motivated and driven to carry it on. Breaking your goal into smaller ones will make the work look easy.

5.    Reward Yourself for Each Achievement

Rewards or gifts are an excellent way to push yourself to do better. Not keeping up with your goals can be frustrating and demotivating. This may make you less productive, making it more difficult to achieve your goal.

So, set short-term goals and reward yourself on achieving your goals. This will boost you to achieve more and perform better.

present, reward

Rewards can be as simple as having a dinner of your choice or watching your favorite movie.

6.    Keep a Bigger Picture in Mind

Along with smaller gifts, think of all the perks and rewards you would get if you finish the work. It could be anything, such as bonus, promotion, or a raise.

These dreams will help you stay focused, keep you on track, and achieve your goals.

7.    Know Your Weak Points and Work on Them

You may be good at something and bad at others. All of us are like that. Focus on positive, your core strength, and build on them.  But at the same time, understand your weak points and take external help. For instance, if you are introvert, seek a coach that would make you more comfortable with strangers.

You can also take help from someone for an elevator pitch if you feel you are unable to do it by yourself.

8.    Create a Motivating Playlist

Feeling lost? How about listening to some jams. Your thoughts and environment influence your work. So, if you are stressed, it may be difficult for you to focus on it.

Music can improve your mood, relax you, and motivate you. Check out the AE playlists for some inspiration.

headphones, playlist

Research shows that individuals who listen to music are more productive than those who are not used to working music.

Studies have also shown that individuals enjoyed working if they had music, compared to those who worked in silence. So, next time you feel demotivated, listen to your favorite music.

9.    Dress Up

It may sound petty, but clothes and accessories may have a huge impact on how you feel.

If you are demotivated, wear your favorite t-shirt or a dress that makes you feel confident. A little burst of visual positivity can give you the nudge you need. Besides, taking efforts to make your hair or dressing up may help you feel more organized.

You can also keep your favorite accessory to play with when you need a little burst of creativity or confidence.

10.         Socialize

Who can motivate you better than a loved one?

Talking to people and socializing with them helps you to learn from their experiences and keep you motivated. Researchers inspire people to socialize. Being isolated has harmful effects on mood and demotivates you.

Studies have shown that social people are at a lower risk of mental health disorders.

Being social offers mental stimulation, keeping you motivated

11.         Watch Motivational Speeches

While it may sound obvious, it works like a charm.

Failing to achieve a goal or a negative comment may prevent you from giving your best. For a quick dose of motivation, watch any award acceptance speech or an epic speech when Leonardo DiCaprio finally won Oscar. Some other examples include Steve Job’s speech at Stanford University and J.K. Rowling’s speech at Harvard.

You can also listen to TED Talks in areas where you need motivation. Next time you feel you don’t deserve it or failed, listen to a motivational speech or TED talks. It will quickly motivate you to give your best.

12.         Mind What You Eat

What you eat affects your mood and thus your work.

You may feel that caffeine will help you keep going throughout a busy day, but it may not be the best thing to help you keep focus. Excess caffeine will only exaggerate the feeling of being unfocused and feeling of fog. It may also make you jittery and nervous when you are trying to be productive.

Moreover, foods that are high in simple sugar, such as candy and soda, can make you feel foggy and irritable.

So, it is best to avoid them.

Consume a well-balanced diet, including vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and protein, for better mental health.

13.         Try A Supplement

Dopamine is a chemical in your brain that helps regulate memory, mood, learning, attention, and motivation. It also helps with decision making and sleep regulation.

Your body normally manages your dopamine levels, but medical conditions or lifestyle factors may impact this. If your dopamine levels are low, you may lose interest in things you once enjoyed. You may also find yourself experiencing apathy or a lack of motivation.

Supplements such as Vitamin D, Magnesium, Curcumin, Nootropic, Mucuna Pruriens, and Probiotics may help boost your mood.

You should always consult your medical provider before starting any new supplements or medications.

Have you tried any of these tips, or have another great tip to share? Tell us in the comments below!

Mike Richins
Mike Richins

Mike is a licensed nutritionist with an earnest interest in mental health supplements. He has been studying nootropics for the last 7 years. His hobbies include spending long hours reading clinical studies and medical research.

You can check out more from Mike on

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