For starters, an Auburn City Council Study Session is a public meeting that the City Council holds to discuss matters of the city. This most often includes what items they will be deciding and voting on in their City Council Meeting the following week. Study sessions are held every 2nd and 4th Monday in the Council Chambers at 5:30pm.
The study session was called to order at 5:30 pm. In attendance: Deputy Mayor Bill Peloza, CM Bob Baggett, CM Claude DaCorsi, CM John Holman, CM Yolanda Trout-Manuel, CM Largo Wales and Mayor Nancy Backus. CM Larry Brown was excused. (Click on Video to go to the video portion of the meeting.)
Ordinance No.6712 BA#1
(Video – 1 hr, 15 mins)
Summary of Ordinance #6712 – 2019-2020 Budget Amendment #1
Ordinance No. 6712 language
Schedule A
Schedule B
First, the council discussed Ordinance No. 6712, which has to do with the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget. Finance Director Shelly Coleman presented information to the Council to assist this discussion.
Some of the things that the ordinance detailed were that funds from last year’s budget are being pulled forward into this year’s budget. It also detailed funding for projects and equipment such as funding for utility boxes under the Highway 18 overpass on F Street to treat graffiti and tagging so that the city does not have to send out workers to clean it. The Ordinance also includes funding for numerous safety projects and sidewalk improvements.
4th Quarter 2018 Financial Report
Q4 Financial Report
Next, the council discussed the 4th Quarter 2018 Financial Report, provided by Finance Director Shelly Coleman. The presentation said that our revenue is up and that property tax and cemetery revenue are up. However, there is a decrease in utility and cable tax revenue.
Parks Levy
(Video – 23mins)
Parks Levy
2019-0084 Parks Levy Renewal 2020-2025
Parks Levy High-Level Comparison Matrix
After that, the council discussed the proposed county parks levy with King County Council Member Balducci. In the levy, it says that the Seattle Aquarium would be receiving funding from the levy and that the county is putting more investments into trails. Auburn will benefit from the levy funds.
Electric Vehicle Update
(Video – 5 mins)
ER Electric Vehicles Update handout
Another discussion item was that Auburn is getting electric Chevrolet Bolt EV for city workers. The system that they would use is that a city employee would reserve the car, and then they get to use it for their designated time, and then they return it to the city charging stations.
The charging stations are specially designed to only work for the city-owned cars. The charging stations for the new Bolts will be located behind City Hall, where the Council and Mayor parking currently is. Council and Mayor parking will be moved to marked street parking.
Plastic Bag Bang
(Video – 5 Mins)
Memo To Council – Plastic Bag Ban
Exhibit A – SB5323 – Plastic Bag Ban
Another item that came up was Washington State Senate Bill 5323 which concerns a plastic bag ban in the state. Jeff Tate, Director of Community Development Services, briefed Council on the impacts of the bill should it pass legislation.
Capital Projects Status Report
(Video – 17 mins)
Capital Project Status Report
Feature Project Vicinity Map
Next, they had a presentation on capital projects in Auburn, currently there are 39 active projects, 20 in Design and 3 upcoming safety projects.
Utility Code Undergrounding Code Revisions – Ordinance No. 6713
(Video – 11mins)
Ordinance No. 6713
Exhibit A
Council next discussed utility undergrounding and Ordinance 6713. This has to do with undergrounding and different methods and funding for residents to underground their utilities.
2018 Inspectional Services Reports
(Video – 21mins)
2018 CIA Report for Council
After that, the Chief of Police and Commander Steve Stocker gave a presentation on 2018 Inspectional Services. This report talked about police arrests, incidents, calls, internal investigations, excessive force reports, and inquiries.
Parks and Rec Update
(Video – 22mins)
2019 City Council PAR Dept Overview
In the end, the Parks and Recreation Director Faber gave an update on what’s going on with the parks and rec department. This included the expenses of the department and updates on projects and parks being created in Auburn.
The meeting closed with the city council’s Matrix, or plan for future study session scheduling, as usual. The meeting was adjourned at 8:49pm.
Was there something at this study session you would like to see us dive into? Let the AE Team know by sending us an email:
[…] Peloza: He spoke of attending the Regional Policy Committee. The main topic was the upcoming King County Parks’ Levy. […]