January 6, 2021 is being equated to major events in US history like September 11, 2001, and Dec 7, 1941, that changed the fabric of our country. The only difference is the Insurrection on January 6th was committed by domestic terrorists in an attempt to bring down our Democracy. Vice President Pence and members of Congress were being declared traitors and calls for their execution were being made.
This was a really bad situation five people died as a result of this insurrection, including US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. Many more were injured.

Many things disturbed me on the day of the insurrection, including how easily this mob was able to breach one of the most secure buildings in our nation. This mob was able and allowed to deface, destroy, and loot our nation’s Capitol.
I was also disturbed and exasperated to see a man walking the halls of Congress with the disgraced Confederate Flag. That represents the side that lost the civil war and now represents racism. That flag has no place in any public arena in our country.
Those who were there to protest peacefully and walked to the Capitol were exercising their First Amendment rights. But when they broke the barriers and forced their way into the Capitol they were breaking the law.
Members of the mob and the President of the United States of America took part and promoted this insurrection on our democracy. They are not patriots, but traitors to our Union and Constitution. They must be brought to justice to answer for their part in the insurrection.
Those who intended to overthrow our government used internet sites and platforms like Parler, Twitter, 4Chan, and Facebook should be put on notice that they were and are part of the insurrection. They are traitors who promoted the events on January 6th.
We are living in a perilous time with COVID-19 and our Democracy is in the balance. We in the city of Auburn must work together as citizens of one nation to defeat COVID-19 and preserve our Democracy. We must acknowledge and never forget this was a terrorist act promoted and egged on by the President of the United States of America.
Note: The above statement is the opinions of James Jeyaraj. Mr. Jeyaraj does not speak for the City of Auburn or its employees, the Auburn City Council or any of its members, or the Auburn Examiner or any of its team members. The publication of this Op-Ed does not indicate an endorsement of its content.
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The historical record shows democracy cannot last as a permanent form of government. Historically, 250 years has been the limit. As we enter year 245, we are well beyond the abundance phase of the Tytler cycle. Selfishness destroying the middle class began in the 1980s. We are clearly in the dependence phase.
My cousin Roger Sherman, originator of the Connecticut Compromise giving us two houses in Congress participated on the committees drafting all of our basic documents except the Articles of Association. He is the only man to sign it plus the Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Neither he nor any of the other Founding Fathers had a solution to assure our elected officials followed their fiduciary responsibilities.
The current narcissism crisis needs to be addressed if we are to reset democracy. Consideration of facts as well others’ opinions is an essential element. Greed, narcissism and tribal instincts preventing the consideration of fact and any opinion other than our own is the fatal flaw that ended fiduciary responsibilities in the selfishness phase.
“All politics is local.” Rather than demanding an escalation of the crisis, returning Auburn, Seattle and Washington State to the rule of law will be a leadership model to rest democracy as the current cycle ends. Getting beyond bondage developing faith and courage are key elements to reestablishing liberty. 300,000 deaths Coronavirus deaths demonstrates our failure as a nation; a world leader precariously off course. Free-dumb needs to end before we can reestablish freedom.