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Lakeland Hills Hops n’ Drops Temporarily Closed, Server Tests Positive for COVID-19


A server at the Lakeland Hills Hops n Drops has tested positive for COVID-19. The restaurant was notified this morning of the employee’s test results and remained closed to disinfect and sanitize the restaurant. The server last worked yesterday, Wednesday, July 8.

According to Hops n’ Drops Vice President of Development and Construction Kevin Eggen, the team member was preparing for an out of state trip that required a COVID-19 test. Despite testing positive for COVID-19, the individual showed no symptoms. 


Eggen confirmed Hops n’ Drops follows the Safe Start Phase 2 guidelines, including screening staff for symptoms before each. “We check for things like fever, body aches, cough, sore throat. If they have any, we dig deeper. Employees that are sick are sent home but are paid for the day.”

According to Eggen, Hops n’ Drops staff members also utilize masks and gloves following the Safe Start Phase 2 guidelines.

Should You Get Tested?

According to the Washington State Department of Health, those who may have had close contact with an individual who tests positive for COVID-19 should “stay home ” and be away from others. Check yourself for fever, cough, and shortness of breath for 14 days from the last day you had close contact with the person. Do not go to work or school and avoid public places for 14 days (self-quarantine).”

Amy Reynolds with the Washington Joint Information Center reminds “a close contact is someone you have been within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more.” Because of this, she states, the risk of exposure is “generally low in a restaurant situation.”


Reynolds reiterates the importance of monitoring symptoms, adding that anyone with concerns or questions should contact their medical provider.

Eggen indicated Hops n’ Drops does not have a manner of doing contact tracing with guests. Echoing the Health Department recommendations, Eggen encourages patrons to do what is best for them, suggesting that those who have visited the restaurant within the last week get tested or isolate. 

COVID-19 COVID-19 Testing Available Every Tuesday In Auburn


The staff member who tested positive primarily worked in the front of the house. They may also have assisted in assembling to-go or delivery orders.

The Lakeland Hills Hops n’ Drops team will be required to get tested and provide a negative test result before returning to work. Those who do not wish to get tested must quarantine for 14 days.  

Eggen is hopeful the restaurant will reopen tomorrow, Friday, July 10, but stated it comes down to safety. 

“The health department may require only the areas [the staff member was in], they don’t have requirements for closing,” said Eggen. “We closed for the safety of our team and our patrons.”

The reopening of the Lakeland Hills location may happen in phases, with delivery and take out returning before dine-in returns. When the restaurant reopens it will be temporarily staffed with team members from nearby locations. 

As of today, the current COVID-19 data* for the City of Auburn is 5,027 tests administered, 586 positive results, 76 hospitalizations, 16 deaths. Pierce County lists* 33 cases in Auburn’s area. Auburn is both in King and Pierce Counties. This Hops n’ Drops location is in Pierce County.  

*To protect patient privacy, Pierce County only reports cases in geographical areas with populations greater than 20,000 people. Auburn is included in two sections. We’ve combined the ranged of those two sections for this data point. This data is for King County only.  

Last updated July 7, 2020 5:16PM

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