n Monday, February 3rd, the Auburn City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting. These meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month. This meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. A Special City Council Meeting immediately preceded the meeting regarding the general fund. Councilmembers Larry Brown, James Jeyaraj, and Robyn Mulenga were all excused from this meeting.
Watch the full live stream here.
The first item on the agenda was a proclamation for international Clash Day (Friday, February 7th, 2020), which relates to a band who makes change through music. (watch here)
An updated Resolution No. 5490 was provided to the council before the meeting. (watch here)
There were no public hearings for this meeting. This lead next to Audience Participation. Three Citizens came to speak on issues relating to the city. One spoke, continuing to allege that the city is not enforcing code laws. Another raised volunteer services available to the city. The final informed the council of missing roadway safety reflectors. (watch here)
Next was the Finance Committee’s report, which included payroll vouchers in the amount of $2,669,371.69 and Claims Vouchers totaling $2,573,610.89.The committee recommended the approval of these vouchers. (watch here)
After that was the Consent Agenda, which included the Claims Vouchers, Payroll Vouchers, Minutes of the December 9th, January 13th, and January 27th City Council Study Sessions, the Minutes of the January 21st Special and Regular City Council Meetings, the setting of a Public Hearing date for Tacoma Water Franchise, and the setting of a Public Hearing date to modify the adopted 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Plan in the City of Auburn. The Consent Agenda passed 4-0. (watch here)
With no unfinished or new business for the council to address, they moved to Resolutions. The first was Resolution 5490, which would set a Public Hearing date for the vacation of Right of Way V1-19. Resolution No. 5490 was motioned by Councilmember Chris Stearns and seconded by Councilmember Baggett. There were no questions or comments. It passed 4-0. (watch here)
Then it was Resolution 5497, which adopts the 2019 annual Transportation Benefit District Report. It was motioned by CM Stearns and seconded by Councilmember Yolanda Trout-Manuel. There were no questions or comments. It passed 4-0. (watch here)
Last was Mayor and Council Reports. First was Deputy Mayor Claude DaCorsi. He talked about the Association of Washington Cities meeting that he and his colleagues attended, representing Auburn. He also shared about giving a presentation to a group of youth on what he and the council do here in Auburn, as well as affordable housing regarding the number of affordable housing locations we have lost over the last few years. (watch here)
Next was CM Trout-Manuel. She talked about the Association of Washington Cities meeting and her role on the Law & Justice Committee for the Sound Cities Association Councilmember. (watch here)
CM Baggett was after that; he also talked about the Association of Washington Cities Meeting. He spoke about briefly meeting with Legislators in Olympia about issues in Auburn, as well as trying to obtain funding for the city. (watch here)
Next was CM Stearns, who again talked about the Association of Washington Cities Meeting. He spoke of the money needed for under road culverts for salmon to travel in. (watch here)
Lastly was Mayor Backus, who talked about attending a local city and schools meeting where they talked about what students want in a job, as well as the challenges in doing so. She spoke about the Martial Island Celebration with fellow Councilmembers and Senator Hassagawa. Mayor Backus shared her experiences doing the point in time count and as the MC of the Miss Auburn Pageant. She concluded her report speaking about going down to Olympia and meeting with Representatives Jesse Johnson (D-31st), Pat Sullivan (D-47th), and Deborah Entenman (D-47th) about issues we face in Auburn. (watch here)
The meeting was then adjourned.
The next Auburn city council study session is scheduled for Monday, February 10th at 5:30pm. Meetings are held at City Hall in the Council Chambers. If you are unable to make it in person you can watch live on Comcast channel 21, or watch the livestream on the City of Auburn’s YouTube channel, WatchAuburn.
Is there something you’d like to know more about from this meeting, or that you haven’t seen covered yet? Send us an email at tips@auburnexaminer.com and we’ll do our best to find out for you!
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