The 2019 Waste Management Recycling Corps interns have had a busy summer! From attending events to volunteering, these interns have spent the summer in the community “engaging businesses, multi-family communities, and whole neighborhoods to help them waste less and recycle right,” said Waste Management Communications Manager Gary Chittim.
This week the Recycle Corps interns visited the Auburn Food Bank to volunteer their time. Auburn Food Bank Director Debbie Christian shared that the Food Bank has a great relationship with Waste Management. This is the second year she remembers the Waste Management interns volunteering.
“Over the years the Recycle Corps and our year-round recycling outreach team have developed a relationship with the food bank and understand the important work they do and services they provide,” said Chittim. “[On Tuesday] the interns helped shoppers and worked behind the scenes preparing food, organizing supplies and cleaning up.”
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The interns present at the food bank Tuesday were Benjamin Bowman, Brandon Lopez, Danielle Schmitt, Emily Repass, Gabrielle Coeuille, Jason Leon, Morgan Romero, Colton Rasanen.
Recycling Corps interns were also at this weekend’s Auburnfest, sharing different ways to reduce waste, including using the free reusable spork they were handing out instead of plastic utensils. Interns have also regularly been providing recycling education at the Auburn International Farmers Market.
The interns were able to award one of Auburn’s very own businesses the highest rating Waste Management Recycling Corps has for managing recycling and waste streams. Cafe Pacific Catering’s “Chef Miguel and his team are all-stars when it comes to keeping contamination out of the recycle bin,” stated Think Green Auburn’s Facebook post. To learn more about recycling standards from the Waste Management Recycling Corps, go to
Keep an eye out for these Waste Management Recycle Corps interns, they’re full of valuable knowledge. While Anne-Marie Bonneau’s quote “we don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly” is about zero waste, it applies to recycling as well.
If you or your organization would like to volunteer at the Auburn Food Bank, contact
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