Are you kidding me? We don’t care about the democratic debates! Sure, Jay Inslee may have talked for more than five minutes this time – but who cares. Auburn is in the middle of a really important primary and your ballot is due in less than a week!
Ballots must be in by Tuesday, August 6th by 8:00 pm.
On Your Primary Ballot Is:
City of Auburn City Council Position No. 5:
Anthony Ase
Ryan Burnett
Robyn Mulenga
Still not sure who to vote for? We asked the candidates some questions to help you get as much information as possible before making this very important decision. Check out our 2019 Candidate Questions section.
King County:
King County Proposition No. 1
Daryl Faber, Auburn’s Parks and Rec Director, shared his thoughts on how King County Proposition 1 will impact Auburn should it be approved: “Prop 1 would increase the available funds for both the development and acquisition of local parks in Auburn. In addition, it maintains funding for the maintenance of the King County Parks system as well increases funding for park services in underserved areas of the county. ”
Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position 2
Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position 5
Pierce County:
Port of Tacoma, Commissioner Position 3
Port of Tacoma, Commissioner Position 5
Check out our voter resources page for more information on voting. You can return your ballot two ways: by mail or via a ballot dropbox. If you are mailing your ballot in you no longer need to put a stamp on it!
The Auburn Examiner Officially Endorses Voting. We don’t care who ya vote for, JUST VOTE.
Auburn Area Drop Boxes:
Here are local ballot drop boxes in and near Auburn for those wanting to place their ballot in a dropbox. Note: DO NOT place your ballot in the wrong county dropbox. King County ballots must go in King County drop boxes, and Pierce County ballots must go in Pierce County drop boxes.
King County:
Auburn Library
1102 Auburn Way South
Auburn, WA 98002
Auburn Park & Ride
101 15th Street NE
Auburn, WA 98001
Muckleshoot Tribe – Philip Starr Building
39015 172nd Avenue SE
Auburn, WA 98092
Algona-Pacific Library
255 Ellingson Road
Pacific, WA 98047
Need another King County Ballot DropBox Location? Find one here.
Pierce County Drop Boxes:
Sumner Library
1116 Fryer Avenue
Sumner, WA 98390
Bonney Lake South Park & Ride
Sky Island Dr. E & 184th Ave E
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Need another Pierce County Ballot DropBox Location? Find one here.
Once you’ve voted, you can track your ballot here:
King County
Pierce County
And check the results here:
King County Election Results
Pierce County Election Results
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