The City of Auburn sent an email today to anyone who had registered their neighborhood for National Night Out in the previous two years. The email carried news of another cancellation: National Night Out 2020.
Acknowledging the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and what health and safety measures would be in place three months from now, the city made the decision to cancel the city-sponsored event.
“After much discussion, the City has made the difficult decision to cancel National Night Out for 2020 which was scheduled for August 4,” wrote City of Auburn Neighborhood Programs Coordinator Erika Klyce.
“National Night Out promotes community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. With the uncertainty we are facing regarding what COVID-19 and precaution measures will look like come August, we feel cancellation is the best way to care for our community,” Klyce explained in the email.
Most National Night Out events include gatherings of neighbors over ten, and in some neighborhoods over 50, people. Food, games, and visits from City of Auburn staff are also common at neighborhood events.
“In the coming weeks and months, City staff will be brainstorming other ways of engaging with our residents in lieu of National Night Out,” said Kylce.
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