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Pacific Police Chief Shares Gratitude for Community


Pacific Police Chief Craig Schwartz offered the following words of gratitude to the City of Pacific community in this week’s Pacific Pulse:

Now that 2020 is in our rear-view mirrors I wanted to take a few minutes to wish you all a better 2021. I also want to express my gratitude for all the people in our community who did what they could to make things a little better for someone else over the last year.

tubbs fire, santa rosa fire, santa rosa police department, police car on fire, california wildfire
A Santa Rosa Police cruiser in flames in the early morning hours of October 9, 2017 during the Tubbs Fire in California. Two officers working to evacuate residents during the wildfire escaped the car moments before it was engulfed. | source: Santa Rosa PD

I remember when we were suffering through the wildfires of 2017 in my former hometown that we talked about how everyone was a first responder the night the firestorm burned through town. The last year has been a more enduring example of that idea thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our typical idea of “first responders” has grown to include many more “essential workers” who have gone out day after day not just to ensure public safety with emergency response, but to treat our illnesses and injuries, keep us fed, care for our family members, maintain our critical infrastructure, teach our children (online or in-person) and so many more of the tasks required to keep our society going. Thank you to all of you who serve in so many different ways.

Thank you also to the City employees and generous community members, including our own Police Department employees like Heather Malavotte, who worked to make the holiday season a little brighter for families in need. The donations we received from Valley Recycling, Noffke’s Towing Service, and others allowed employees like Heather to play Santa to several thankful community members and showed that there were bright spots even in 2020.

Here’s to a better 2021 that sees us working together to beat the pandemic and getting back to a more “normal” way of life, whatever that may be for each of us.

The above is an aggregated content from the City of Pacific’s Pacific Pulse.  The Auburn Examiner has not independently verified its contents.  We encourage our readers to personally verify any information they question or want more information on.
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  1. David farrens David farrens January 8, 2021

    Hmm he has gratitude??? Well her some insight!!! If it the same Pacific chief they’ve had since 2014??? They let…[text removed by the Auburn Examiner due to sensitive and potentially libelous nature]…after I got turned out to be the bad guy for doing the right thing and turn him in yup he a good chief all right yup I spent about 3 year’s going to a counselor to make it so I could talk properly again seeing that man have [text removed by the Auburn Examiner due to graphic and potentially libelous nature] made me go a bit mental so they are corrupt, then after that I had to spend about 11,000 dollar’s for a lawyer to stay outta prison, in turn my case was dismissed, because my lawyer had faith in the word’s of truth I told him, welcome to 3RD WORLD MURICA. So yeah the alarm bells are ringing on this one folks he should be removed for his chair because who knows how many more poor [text removed by the Auburn Examiner due to sensitive and potentially libelous nature] on his watch agsin welcome to 3rd world MURICA leftist demacratic Jack’s.

    • auburnexaminer auburnexaminer January 8, 2021

      The current City of Pacific Police Chief, Chief Craig Schwartz, is new to the City of Pacific. He was hired in mid-2019.

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