The Hydaburg Cooperative Association and Tagiugmiullu Nunamiulla Housing Authority in Alaska, the Nez Perce Tribe in Idaho, and the Muckleshoot Housing Authority in Washington are among 24 Tribes and Tribally-designated Housing Entities awarded over $9 million by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to support new housing construction, housing rehabilitation, and critical infrastructure projects.
“This past year was a stark reminder of just how important access to safe, stable housing is—especially in Tribal communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. “The funding HUD is awarding today will support much needed affordable housing investments in Indian Country.”
The funds were awarded through HUD’s Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive program to help construct new housing units for low-income families living in Tribal communities. It is projected that this funding will support the construction of approximately 350 new housing units, which will help spur economic opportunities in these communities. This year’s IHBG competition generated a lot of interest and was very oversubscribed with a total of 141 applicants submitted by Tribes and TDHEs. This is the second time HUD is making awards under this program; the first round of awards was made in December 2019.
All funding allocations/project descriptions can be found here. Below are the IHBG awards to Tribes and Native Villages in Alaska, Idaho and Washington:
Alaska | Hydaburg Cooperative Association | Hydaburg | $1,893,691 | The Hydaburg Cooperative Association will construct twelve (12) housing units, of which eight (8) will be tiny homes and (4) will be single-family homes. This will help alleviate the housing shortage. |
Alaska | Tagiugmiullu Nunamiulla Housing Authority | Utqiagvik | $4,292,814 | The Native Village of Point Lay will acquire and redevelop a property that currently has three condemned structures. When completed, the project will include six new (6) housing units, which will help alleviate the housing shortage. |
Idaho | Nez Perce Tribal Housing Authority | Lapwai | $4,798,703 | “The Nez Perce Tribal Authority will construct sixteen (16) new rental units. The units will be energy efficient, and the ground-level units will be handicap accessible.” |
Washington | Muckleshoot Housing Authority | Auburn | $5,000,000 | The Muckleshoot Housing Authority will construct 25 rental units on the Muckleshoot Reservation. |
$15,985,208 | REGION X TOTAL |
The above is a press release from the US Department of House and Urban Development. The Auburn Examiner has not independently verified its contents.
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