Due to the financial impact of COVID-19 on the City of Auburn, the City is implementing changes in
services that are necessary to address the actual and anticipated losses in general fund revenues for
2020. Within the Public Works Department. this will mean a reduced level of service in some areas –
mainly street/vegetation and transportation programs, because they are fully dependent on general
fund revenues. It has always been the City’s goal to maintain the highest possible level of customer
service to the community, so we do not take this reduction lightly and we continue working towards
returning to our normal levels of service as soon as financially feasible.
What the public may notice through the end of 2020 are programs that have been suspended or
reduced as follows:
Programs Suspended:
• Traffic Calming Program and Speed Studies – staff will continue to work with police on these
concerns as resources are available.
• Alley Dust Control Program
• Parking lot and curb re-painting
• Downtown sidewalk cleaning
Services Reduced:
• A slight reduction in the larger pavement patching work. The City will continue doing temporary
repairs and small patching work; however, larger patches will be deferred until resources are
• A deferral of permanent sidewalk repairs until resources are restored. The City will continue to
address trip hazards and minor repairs using our immediate and temporary mitigation
• Reduction of alley grading to one time per year
• Reduction of the frequency of mowing and vegetation maintenance on City-owned properties,
storm ponds, and along the roadside.
• Reduction of street sweeping activities to once every two months.
• Longer response times to general traffic and parking inquiries should be expected.
These programs and service reductions are necessary because of the positions that will remain vacant as
part of the City’s temporary hiring freeze. Citywide, employee costs make up approximately 61% of the
overall general fund budget for the City and holding positions vacant provides a significant reduction in
our costs for 2020, allowing us to remain within the funding we are anticipating.
However, much of our work in the street/vegetation and transportation programs are dependent on the employee labor necessary to do the work. Therefore, there is an impact on the services that we can provide. Our focus for the remaining services and programs in 2020 are those that are required under regulations and
those items that are critical to maintaining our street and transportation system for public safety and the
movement of all travel modes.
Note: The Auburn Examiner has inquired what, if any, adjustments and reductions can be expected from other city departments. When we know, you’ll know.
The above is a press release from the City of Auburn. The Auburn Examiner has not independently verified its contents and encourages our readers to personally verify any information they find may be overly biased or questionable. The publication of this announcement does not indicate an endorsement of its contents.
Last Updated: 06/11/20, 4:45pm
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