Candidates Hader, Rittereiser, and Schrier Slated to Attend
Auburn, WA – Grassroots organization Auburn WA Flip Congressional District 8 will host a candidate forum on March 16, 2018, for three candidates running to fill retiring Congressman Dave Reichert’s seat. The event will take place from 6:30-8:30 pm at the William C. Warren Building at 405 E. Street NE in Auburn, and the event will also be live streamed for those who cannot attend.
The moderator-led forum will feature WA CD8 Democratic candidates Dr. Shannon Hader, Brayden Olson, Jason Rittereiser, and Dr. Kim Schrier in a roundtable format where the candidates will identify their ties to the district, discuss their stances on key issues affecting Washington CD8 residents, and share their vision as to how they could best serve this diverse region in Congress. An opportunity for the audience to meet and greet the participants will directly follow the forum, and the organization will also send an informal SurveyMonkey survey to attendees after the event.
“Right now we face critical challenges to our privacy, welfare, and success,” said James Jeyaraj, founder of the Auburn WA Flip Congressional District 8 group. “Now more than ever we elect a candidate with experience, vision, and strength who embodies the values and priorities of everyday Washingtonians and who won’t sacrifice everyday Americans to improve corporate bottom lines.”
Tickets are free and available online at Organizers will accept contributions to help defray costs at the event. Surplus funds will be donated to the Auburn Food Bank.
Auburn WA Flip Congressional District 8 is comprised of Auburn residents whose purpose it is to elect a Democratic candidate in the WA CD8 who reflects the values and priorities of working Auburn families.
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