Memorial Day honors the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. This year the holiday falls on Monday, May 25.
All U.S. flags are to be lowered to half-staff from sunrise until noon in observance of Memorial Day.
Read President Trump’s Memorial Day Proclamation
Memorial Day is commonly celebrated with parades, military presentations, barbecues, and other community events. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s long holiday weekend will look different for most people.
Memorial Day in Auburn
Though Auburn has cancelled the annual ceremony at Mountainview Cemetery, the cemetery will be open to visit and pay respects.
3 PM Moment of Remembrance
CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman has partnered with retired Air Force bugler Jari Villanueva to ignite a nationwide tribute.
“Hartman and Villanueva are asking veterans, musicians, teachers, and students of all abilities and ages to sound Taps on their front lawns, porches, and driveways at 3 p.m. local time this Monday, May 25th.”
Read the CBS article (linked above) to learn more, including sheet music for Taps.I
The USO has also put together a list of ways to honor the fallen, while still socially distancing. Activities include learning about Memorial Day’s history, learn about your own family’s military history, and virtually visit war memorials.
Here is the full list from the USO.
Whatever you do on Monday, be sure to take a moment to acknowledge the sacrifices so many men and women have made throughout the decades to protect the freedoms we have.
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