The House Commerce & Gaming Committee heard public testimony on HB 2022, which focuses on social equity in the cannabis industry.
HB 2022 – 2021-22
Status: Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Commerce & Gaming at 10:00 AM (Subject to change).
Brief Summary of Bill
Full House Bill Report
- Requires the Liquor and Cannabis Board to issue 38 new cannabis retailer licenses and 25 new cannabis producer/processor licenses each year between 2022 and 2029 to social equity applicants.
- Limits the issuance of cannabis producer, processor, retailer, and any new license types created through 2029 so licenses may only be issued to social equity applicants and, beginning in 2030, requires 50 percent of new cannabis licenses issued to be to social equity applicants.
- Authorizes cannabis licenses issued through the social equity program to be mobile and for premises in any local jurisdiction that permits the business activity.
- Reduces and eliminates certain distance restrictions in cannabis licensing for social equity licenses through 2029, and for all cannabis licenses beginning 2030.
- Changes the definition of “social equity applicant,” waives the annual licensing fee for cannabis social equity licensees, eliminates the requirement to submit a social equity plan, and modifies cannabis excise tax distributions.
Cannabis Code in Auburn
The current Auburn City Code restricts the “number of marijuana retail businesses operating within the city at any given time” to four (ACC 18.59.020). Presently Auburn has four licensed retail cannabis stores within city limits. So if you partake or would like to give an alternate kind of flower this valentines day, please support local and shop at one of Auburn’s cannabis retailers:
(You must be 21+ to go to any of the above linked sites.)
Any cannabis retail business in Auburn must not be located within the outlined distances in Auburn City Code 18.59.030. This includes a requirement of 2,640ft from any secondary school (current or planned), public or private playground or park, or child care center. Stores must also be 1,300ft from public trails, transit centers, and religious institutions.
Washington state requires any retail selling liquor to be at least 500 feet from schools and religious establishments.
Please use responsibly. That means if you’re indacouch: Stay. In. Da. Couch.
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