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Auburn City Council Meeting Recap – November 18, 2019


The Auburn city council held its regularly scheduled city council meeting at 7:00pm in council chambers.  Deputy Mayor Bill Peloza was excused from the meeting.  All other councilmembers and Mayor Nancy Backus were present.  Meeting Livesteam

Announcements and Appointments

The council’s first item of business was a proclamation, for Auburn Mountainview High School’s DECA Week in the City of Auburn. (click here to watch)


Council then moved on to appointments. where they appointed Dennis Decoteau to the Auburn Municipal Airport Advisory Board, Kelly Lindberg to the Human Services Committee, Diane Witt and Tawnya Hudspeth to the Tourism Board, and Riley Patterson, who is a Muckleshoot Tribe Member, to the Transportation Advisory Board. (watch here)

Public Hearings

Next, Council had two Public Hearings, one on Ordinance 6739, having to do with the Transportation Benefit District.  No one spoke regarding this issue.  The second public hearing was to address the proposed 2020 Property Tax Levy.  One individual spoke on this issue, suggesting the city had no need to raise taxes as they could not address an issue to his satisfaction. (watch here)

Audience Participation

Each meeting provides time for the public to speak to the city council on any city-related issue.  Two individuals spoke during this time.  The first inquired to council how the passage of Initiative 976 will effect on Auburn. The other spoke on how they feel the city is not prepared for a major disaster because they are not handling a specific matter to their satisfaction. (watch here)

Council and Ad Hoc Reports

Councilmember Largo Wales, the Finance Committee Chair, provided the report for the finance committee.  The committee reported they had no questions regarding the Payroll Vouchers that need to be paid in the amount of $2,328,366.87 and Claims Vouchers totaling $5,356,066.37. (watch here)


Consent Agenda

The claims and payroll vouchers were on the Consent Agenda.  The consent agenda contains matters considered routine, and are enacted in one motion.  This meeting’s consent agenda also included the minutes of the October 14th, October 22nd, and November 12th, 2019 Study Session, the Minutes of the November 4th City Council Meeting, the date for a Public Hearing on the Astound Broadband, LLC Franchise Renewal, and Public Works Project Number CP1819. The Consent Agenda was approved 6-0.

Ordinances and Resolutions

Council then moved to Ordinances and Resolutions,  First voted on was Ordinance No. 6739, having to do with The Transportation Benefit District and assuming the rights and obligations of the Transportation Benefit District. Next was Ordinance No. 6742, having to do with infrastructure payback agreements, amending Chapter 3.25 of the Auburn City Code.  Ordinance No. 6750, which establishes a levy in 2020 for regular property taxes in the amount of $22,368,188 for general city operational use. (watch here)

The first resolution before the council was Resolution No. 5466, having to do with giving the Auburn Symphony Orchestra money for promotional and tourism purposes. Next on the agenda was Resolution No. 5471, establishing an agreement between the City of Auburn and the Washington State Department of Commerce to expend grant funds for the Housing Action Plan. (watch here)


All Ordinances and Resolutions were passed 6-0.

Mayor and Council Reports

The Mayor and Council then gave their reports, Councilmembers Holman, Brown, and Wales had no report. The first to give a report was Councilmember Trout-Manuel, she talked about going to the Veterans Day Luncheon and Parade her in Auburn, the TEEN R.E.A.D.Y. program, and the Association of Washington Cities Meeting in Kent. Next was Councilmember DaCorsi, he talked about the Affordable Housing Committee Meeting. After that was Councilmember Baggett, He talked about the Emergency Management Meeting on the 13th, where they talked about the Secret Services’ study on school shootings and how to protect the children and get mental help to those who need it before these events occur. Mayor Backus then gave her report, she thanked the various departments for the great job on the Veterans Day Parade, she talked about Teen R.E.A.D.Y., The Puget Sound Regional Council’s Project Selection Committee that she is a member of, and the Mayor’s Job Task Force Meeting prior to the City Council Meeting. (watch here)

After the conclusion of the reports the meeting was adjourned with no further business.

November 25th Study Session

Tonight’s is the final study session for the month of November. Items on the agenda include a King County Metro presentation on RapidRide, and mobility plan and service changes, updates to drug crime penalties, the third-quarter financial report, amendments to the 2019-2020 budget, a fireworks update from Auburn police, and an Auburn Valley Humane Society update.

City Council Study Sessions begin at 5:30pm and are held in the City Council Chambers at Auburn’s City Hall.  If you are unable to make the study session, you can watch live on Comcast Channel 21, or on Auburn’s YouTube channel watchauburn.  If you miss the livestream, the meetings are recorded and hosted for future viewing.

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