The Auburn City Council meets every second and fourth (and fifth if there is one) Monday evening for a study session. The city council is provided presentations, informational updates, and discuss ordinances and resolutions that are up for consideration during a study session. No votes happen during a study session.
This week’s agenda has one ordinance for discussion. The council will also receive four presentations from staff. As with each study session, this week’s agenda has several important items of interest to the community.
Auburn City Council Study Session Agenda Discussion Items
April 11, 2022
A. Resolution No. 565 – A Resolution expressing intent to explore annexation of certain real property located within the City of Kent, commonly referred to as The Bridges, pursuant to RCW 35.10.217
B. Jurassic Parliament Training – training to run effective meetings
Note: Items may be added and removed from the agenda, and will be notated at the start of the study session as such. The times listed next to each item may be the allotted time for these items, but are not necessarily adhered to, and may be extended at the council’s discretion.
Attend the Study Session
City Council Study Sessions begin at 5:30pm. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this study session will be held in person, via a Zoom meeting, and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click the link or enter the meeting ID into the Zoom app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below.
Auburn City Council Study Session Virtual Participation Link:
To attend the meeting virtually please click one of the below links, enter the meeting ID into the Zoom app, or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. The link to the Virtual Meeting is:
The public can also view the meeting on YouTube:
To join the meeting by phone, please use the below call-in information:
253 215 8782
888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 881 3263 0980
If you are unable to make the study session, you can watch live on Comcast Channel 21, or on Auburn’s YouTube channel: watchauburn. If you miss the livestream, the meetings are recorded and hosted for future viewing.
The above information was provided by the City of Auburn.
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