The Senate State Government & Elections Committee heard public testimony on Senate Bill 5584, which would implement ranked choice voting (RCV) in some Washington state elections.
SB 5584
SB 5584 – Increasing representation and voter participation in local elections. Read Bill Information (link)
Sponsors: Trudeau, Nobles, Das, Dhingra, Frockt, Kuderer, Liias, Lovelett, Nguyen, Pedersen, Randall, Stanford, Wilson, C.
Status: Public hearing scheduled on January 19th in the Senate Committee on State Government & Elections at 8:00 AM.
Brief Summary of Bill:
Read the full bill analysis (link)
- Permits the use of ranked choice voting (RCV) in elections for offices in counties, cities, towns, school districts, fire districts, and port districts, and establishes certain requirements for RCV ballot design and vote tabulation.
- Establishes an RCV work group. Establishes a grant program administered by the Secretary of State,
subject to appropriation, to assist local governments with the implementation of RCV or making changes to electoral systems in response to a notice filed under the Washington Voting Rights Act.
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