King County Executive Dow Constantine released the following statement after King County Councilmembers unanimously passed a $12.4 biennial budget that adopts his key strategies in homelessness, anti-racism, transit, and the environment.
“I thank the King County Council for their careful deliberations since I transmitted my proposed two-year budget in September. I also want to recognize the many community members who participated in hearings and other venues to get their voices heard.
“This budget puts our money where our values are. It will provide a safe, dignified place to live to thousands of chronically homeless people. It re-orients our criminal legal system and makes a significant down payment in our ongoing efforts to shift resources to upstream programs aligned with racial and social justice.
“This budget also enhances Metro service where needs are greatest and continues King County down the path of a carbon-free transit system.
“I applaud the King County Council for agreeing with my plan to tap into $4.2 million of the Rainy Day Fund to ensure those individuals and families who have been moved out of emergency shelters to hotel rooms around the region don’t lose that housing if the U.S. Senate fails to take up COVID-19-related financial assistance to states and local governments by the end of the year.
“The collaborative process led by Council Budget Chair Kohl-Welles underscores that here in King County, we can set aside our differences in service to the residents of our region. In that same spirit, we need our federal government to become functional, and help us in the darkest hour of this pandemic.”
The above is a press release from King County Executive Dow Constantine. The Auburn Examiner has not independently verified its contents and encourages our readers to personally verify any information they find may be overly biased or questionable. The publication of this press release does not indicate an endorsement of its contents.
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