February 21-23, 2020, sees the Auburn Adventure Film Festival return for a weekend filled with exciting and – ahem – adventurous films. Now in its second year, the festival provides a showcase for filmmakers from all over the world. Auburn is a fitting locale for the festival. In the 18 years, I’ve lived in Auburn, I’ve taken note of its close proximity to the Cascade Mountains, Puget Sound, and the Pacific Ocean. Auburn is truly a town that can describe itself as being the epicenter of adventure in the Pacific Northwest.
The festival promises a wide array of films, starting on Friday, February 21st. I was fortunate enough to receive advance copies of a few films that will be showing:
The Adventure Continues!
Hers to Take – Described as a film that explores the benefits of risk-taking women in outdoor adventure sports. I found it to be an engaging short film that puts you right in the mindset of the women facing challenges head-on.
Portal – An unusual film that explores Lake Baikal as a sacred place. It has inspiring music that fits the narrative as the film delves into the power of the Siberian Shamans, tightrope walkers, and a suspension bridge. It covers a lot of ground in a short period of time.
Building Bridges – I really enjoyed this movie. Two hot air balloons connected in the air while someone walks on a tightrope in between them. There is drama, intrigue, and a sense of real danger.
The Rider – A deceptively simple film about an elderly gentleman who stays active by riding his bike. I found it tugging at my heartstrings.
Elle Aime (She Likes) – This film felt like a dream – and I think that is by design. It really captures that unbridled joy that one feels when they are in the mountains. It is an homage to snowboarder Marie France Roy.
One Breath Around the World – An underwater adventure with Guillaume Nervy and his wife, Julie Gaurier. The film explores places underneath the sea in a truly unique way, and I found myself replaying passages. It will certainly be a highlight at the festival.
You can find out more about the 2020 Auburn Adventure Film Festival here. You won’t want to miss this year’s incredible films. The world of cinema provides an escape – a way for viewers to live vicariously through the filmmakers’ art and vision. With just the few films that I previewed; I can say with certainty that it is an adventure worth taking.
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