What I can say regarding PETA’s statement from earlier today is this: the people who make these statements are nothing but fear mongering individuals who have no clue about what happens inside race tracks.
Every time I have been to Emerald Downs I have witnessed nothing but love, patience, care and life for this industry and for the animals in the industry. I have never seen an animal abused recklessly, I have never seen people endanger these horses, and I have never seen the mistreatment of those animals. All the people at this establishment love those animals, they love the people around them, and they love the fans.

I have never seen or been a part of anywhere more inviting, loving and welcoming for both animals and people. Jockeys are fighting for what they love, for what they believe in, for what they live by, and for what they want the industry to become. They do not fight for the right to abuse animals. Nobody within this industry does. It makes me upset to no end seeing the people and the horses of this industry reduced to nothing and being painted as monsters. It makes me upset to see the things I love and the people I love reduced to this. These people have given me a new life and a new passion that has led me to ultimate happiness and so many open doors. These people do not deserve this.
Do not claim anything until you have attended a track. Do not say anything until you have legitimately applied yourself. Do not damage people based off of a fear-mongering group who they themselves have recklessly abused animals.
Anika Miskar is the local photographer behind @SeattleHorseRacing.
Note from the Editor: The Auburn Examiner does not support PETA. We urge anyone who does to please do your own research. There are many reputable equine rescues, and charities out there. Please support one of these organizations and not the horrible, unethical organization that is PeTA.
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